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How to Create Engaging Video Content for Your Business (The Full Step by Step Guide You Always Wanted but Were Afraid to Ask For)

The Epic Light Media YouTube channel explores the entire filmmaking process and gives deep insight into how to make content that looks stunning, reaches a target audience, and makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Creating Video Content for your Business a Step By Step Guide

“Video is the key to unlocking the hearts and minds of your audience. It’s the closest thing to being face-to-face.” – Amy Landino

There’s no place we’d rather be than face to face with a potential new client. If we could only explain to them how we could help them, how our product will change their lives and what we can do to improve their future. That’s exactly what video content does.

The world is now fueled by video, with a constant stream of new content on social media platforms and the increasing popularity of video-sharing websites, creating video content for your business is essential for establishing a strong online presence and staying ahead of the competition. 

Though it’s not enough to simply produce some videos and hope they go viral. To truly stand out against your competition, you’ll need a rock solid video marketing plan to really make an impact on your audience. In this article we’ll give you an insight into how you can create video content that will engage your audience. More importantly than that, it’ll make them take action.

Understand Your Audience

It’s a hot summer day. A group of teenagers walk into an ice cream store with pockets full of cash, ready to spend. They look over the menu and can’t see anything that would cool them down. Then the server keeps talking about all their hot food and drinks. They just want ice cream but nobody is selling it to them. Eventually they leave, sweating, confused and ice-creamless.

This might seem like an unlikely scenario but it’s often what happens online when customers arrive at a business website or social channel. Even if your audience are willing customers they need to be sold on your offering at every point in their online journey. That’s why you need to know your audience and make sure you’re giving them every chance to buy your product, from your website to your social channels. And the best way to do this is by speaking to them through video content.

First you need to research and gather information about your target audience, finding the stories that resonate with them. This data acts as a roadmap, directing you towards content that will captivate your viewers and keep them coming back for more. It’s akin to being a detective, uncovering the mysteries that drive your audience’s engagement.

Who Is Your Customer?

To further tailor your video content, consider developing buyer personas. These fictional characters represent different segments of your target market. By crafting these personas, creating video content for your business will be easier and you create a clearer understanding of your audience’s characteristics, motivations, and preferences. This can be achieved by collecting data through surveys, interviews, or analyzing social media insights.

When creating buyer personas, look for common patterns and trends within your audience. By identifying these shared traits, you can build accurate profiles that encompass their unique traits and behaviors. By giving your personas distinct names and attributes, you humanize them and make them easier to relate to.

Understanding your audience and developing buyer personas enable you to customize your video content to better align with their preferences. This tailored approach increases the likelihood of capturing their attention and fostering a stronger connection with your viewers.

Define Your Goals

When it comes creating video content for your business and its video content goals, there are lots of possibilities to consider and it all depends on your business model. One common objective is to increase brand awareness. By creating great videos that showcase your brand’s values, products, or services, you can raise awareness and make your mark in the minds of your target audience.

Another goal could be to drive website traffic. Videos have the power to grab attention and drive viewers to your website, where they can explore further, engage with your content, and potentially become customers. By strategically placing calls-to-action and optimizing your videos for website traffic generation, you can turn viewers into visitors.

Generating leads is yet another objective that can be achieved through video content. By creating informative or enticing videos that capture the interest of your audience, you can encourage them to provide their contact information, sign up for newsletters, or engage in other lead generation activities. This paves the way for potential conversions and business growth. Keep it simple to begin with, creating videos that have one goal in mind and then as you gain your audience there will be room to flex your creative vision more and more. When the time comes, you’ll want to review what you’ve created and the results it’s producing. That’s called data analysis. We’ll get to that soon but first you need to…

Visualize Your Shoot

The audience has been researched. The messaging locked. The hard work has already been done. Now you just need to plan your shoot and make sure it all goes off without any delays or challenges. Easy, right?

Production planning and pre-production are essential for successful video content creation. Before diving into the production phase, you need to lay a solid foundation that ensures your videos are well-structured, visually appealing, and get  your message across. Let’s explore the significance of planning and pre-production, along with some helpful tips to make the process smoother.

One effective method of structuring your video is through the creation of a storyboard or script. A storyboard outlines the visual flow of your video, shot by shot, while a script provides a written narrative that guides the dialogue and overall storyline. These tools serve as a roadmap during the production phase, ensuring a smooth execution and coherent storytelling. This is something at Epic Light Media that we excel at, building the project creatively before we even consider turning on a camera.

Casting is Everything

“Casting is an art, and unless you can paint all the colors of the palette, you’re not going to be able to make a masterpiece.” – Robert Duvall

There are usually two pain points for any production: Casting and Locations. Getting these locked down early can make all the difference when creating video content for your business. Casting is highly important for a commercial project as it directly influences its success. The actors chosen are the face and voice of your brand, impacting how the audience receives your message. A well-executed casting process can elevate any project. The right cast brings authenticity and relatability to your commercial. When viewers see actors who resonate with them, they establish an emotional connection with the message and the brand.

Casting allows you to find talent that aligns with your brand’s values, personality, and image. The actors chosen should embody the essence of your brand, creating a consistent brand experience for viewers. Skilled actors bring your commercial’s story to life, effectively conveying emotions and engaging viewers through their performance. Casting talented individuals strengthens the storytelling aspect of your commercial. As you can imagine, this search can take a fair bit of time and if left to the last minute will severely hamper your project.

Pre-production is Everything Else (but mostly having a great crew)

Another area that can cause time problems is selecting locations for filming. There are lots of pressures in selecting the perfect location both creatively and logistically, it is often something that takes a considerable amount of time when creating video content for your business. It is so important to consider the relevance and look of the place that will align with your video’s theme or message.

Whether it’s stunning outdoor scenery, a professional studio, or your own office space, choose a location that enhances the visual appeal and supports the intended tone of your video. It’s also a good idea to watch the budget when it comes to locations, as this is a place where a lot of money can be spent.

Additionally, art direction, props and equipment play a crucial role in the production value of your videos. Select the right props to complement your message or help illustrate concepts. These props can range from simple objects to intricate setups, depending on the nature of your video. 

More Pre-Production

As for equipment, choose cameras, microphones, and lighting gear that meet your production requirements. High-quality equipment enhances the visual and audio quality, making your videos more professional and engaging. The bigger the shoot, the bigger the equipment list. It’s also important to work out logistical aspects during pre-production. Create a detailed shooting schedule, allowing ample time for setup, filming, and potential retakes. This helps ensure a smooth workflow and efficient use of resources.

Don’t forget about the people involved in the production. Determine roles and responsibilities, whether it’s actors, presenters, or production crew. Allocate tasks, coordinate schedules, and communicate clearly to maintain a cohesive and organized production process. Lastly, consider legal aspects such as obtaining necessary permits for filming in certain locations and securing permissions for any copyrighted materials you might use, such as music or images.

A successful shoot is all determined by this planning and pre-production process. By creating a storyboard or script, selecting appropriate locations and props, and addressing logistical aspects, you can streamline your production workflow and create visually captivating and impactful videos. In the end, it’s up to your dedicated crew of professionals you get on board to make these plans happen. They’re the real heroes of any project.

Making Content People Actually Watch

First impressions matter, and that’s why attention-grabbing video intros are crucial when you are creating video content for your business. The opening moments of your video should immediately grab the viewer’s attention. Whether it’s a visually stunning shot, an intriguing hook, or a powerful statement, a compelling introduction sets the tone for the rest of the video, enticing viewers to stay engaged and watch further.

Great storytelling plays a vital role in keeping your audience invested in your video content. Craft a narrative that resonates with your target audience by understanding their desires, challenges, or aspirations. Develop a storyline that takes viewers on a journey, evokes emotions, or delivers a meaningful message. Utilize storytelling techniques such as compelling characters, relatable situations, and a clear narrative arc to create an engaging and memorable video experience. If you create a compelling story then you’ll get an audience, no matter what your video content looks like.

Find Your Audience (This is where lots of businesses fail)

Once you’ve got the video of your dreams, now it’s time to get people watching it. You’ll need to promote and distribute it effectively to reach your target audience. There’s lots of great channels and platforms where your content can live, get an audience and hopefully create a real following:

YouTube: As one of the largest video-sharing platforms, YouTube offers a vast audience and powerful search capabilities. Upload your videos to YouTube, optimize them for SEO (as discussed in Section 5), and leverage features like playlists, annotations, and end screens to enhance discoverability and viewer engagement.

Social Media: Utilize popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to distribute your videos. Tailor your content to each platform’s format and audience preferences. Upload videos natively to the platforms whenever possible, as this tends to generate higher engagement.

Your Website: Embed your videos on your website to increase engagement and encourage visitors to spend more time on your site. Create a dedicated video gallery or incorporate videos into relevant blog posts or product pages.

Ask viewers to subscribe to your channel or follow your social media accounts. Run contests or giveaways related to your videos to encourage participation and sharing. Incorporate interactive elements within your videos, such as polls or interactive annotations, to keep viewers engaged and involved. 

Get Your Message Out

And if you want to create a real buzz around the project or reach new audiences then the following methods are a great place to start:

Email Marketing: Leverage your email subscriber list to promote your videos. Send out newsletters or dedicated emails that feature your latest videos. Include compelling subject lines, captivating thumbnails, and clear calls-to-action to encourage click-throughs and views.

Influencer Collaborations: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who have a relevant audience. They can feature your videos on their channels, share them on social media, or participate in video collaborations. This can help increase exposure and tap into new viewer communities.

Paid Advertising: Consider allocating a portion of your marketing budget to paid advertising campaigns. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram offer advertising options to promote your videos to specific target audiences. Use targeting options, such as demographics and interests, to reach the most relevant viewers.

Remember, consistently producing high-quality, valuable content is key to retaining and growing your audience. Regularly analyze your video analytics to understand viewer preferences, engagement metrics, and audience demographics. Use this data to refine your content strategy and distribution efforts for optimal results. By combining your use of video distribution platforms, implementing promotional strategies, and engaging with your audience, you can effectively promote and distribute your videos, expand your reach, and build a dedicated following.

At Epic Light we’re always looking to take our work to the next level. If you want to make something or even just have a cozy chat about lighting rigs then say hello!