Video Production

At Epic Light Media we don’t subscribe. We don’t subscribe to boring or unoriginal. That means we take your big ideas and transform them into video content your audience will love. Let’s make something together.

Video Production

Video is everywhere. In case you haven’t noticed. It’s become the number one way to promote your brand and it’s more effective than ever. The way we communicate as a modern society is filtered through the medium of video. It is a powerful tool that can be used by brands and companies to promote their values, engage with wide audiences and speak to the world.

They say that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is the entire library. That’s why consumers demand video content that they can connect with, especially as they spend more and more time on their devices. Our creative scope for video marketing ranges all the way from big-budget TV commercials down to unique targeted social campaigns.

If you want to harness the power of video marketing and find out what types of video you need to grow your business then keep reading.

What’s the best way to use video marketing?

Let’s begin by finding out exactly how you want to use your video content. The biggest problem that businesses face is that they know they need video but they don’t always know what video they need. The process of creating content can be long and costly, which means you should take your time in the research phase to make sure it’s money well spent.

The first place to begin is with your brand story. This might be introducing your business to the world, establishing a new direction for the brand or even building on an existing campaign. If you concentrate on the story rather than the cold sales, then people will be much more open to your proposition. Video is all about connecting with people and tapping into the emotions that drive them. If you have a story to tell then you’ll have an audience that wants to hear it.

You don’t want any old audience either. You want a target audience. It is difficult for some people to really pinpoint exactly who they want to watch their content and this creates lots of problems as the project moves forward. By zoning in on exactly who you want to view your content, you can keep your format, messaging and content super focussed on your audience. It streamlines every stage of production as there are clear aims and objectives as well as an idea of where it’s going to be published.

Now you know who wants to hear your message, the rest will be much easier. We build our creatives with the audience in mind, making sure the messaging speaks to their needs first and foremost. The uses of video are endless. The toughest part will be deciding what types of videos are going to work for your brand.

What type of video content works best?

There was a time when video content was only for TV and only for big name brands. Now every business worth their salt needs to have some form of video content. We work with companies across every industry, taking on their unique challenges and creating videos that solve problems for them. Video is the most effective communication tool a company can have and to get the most from it, we can tell you what types work best for you.

We work closely with government agencies to create public service announcements (PSA’s) that inform and educate people on the subjects that matter. There are healthcare videos that major providers use to promote their life saving services. We build YouTube videos for small business campaigns, helping them launch their channel and grow their customer base. For every industry, the needs will be different but all can make video work for them.

What types of video content are good for businesses?

Check out some of the most popular types of the video below and discover the possibilities for your big video marketing campaign.

Brand Videos

These are your big TV commercials and digital campaigns that show the best face of your brand. The main aim of these adverts is to promote a brand’s personality, vision, mission and values. There is always a bit of space to promote products and services but on the whole, they take a high-level approach. This means you can tell your story to the world, capture their imagination and turn your customers into loyal brand fans.

Social Media Marketing Videos

There is no escaping social media. If you’re not using social channels as a marketer or a business then you are missing out on the greatest opportunity for your brand to grow. The most effective way to use these platforms is to create engaging video content that will grab the attention of your audience and help spread the word about your brand. There are so many options across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, not to mention new channels that are arriving every year. Using videos on social media will increase your presence, help push your message and open up entirely new markets in every corner of the world. Be part of the everyday lives of your customers with this incredible way of marketing.

Content Marketing Videos

This is a super generic name given to all online video content. At their core, these are videos that give value to the consumer but also give your brand a major boost. Think of those “Top 5 things” videos or bonus educational content that consumers will find useful. It’s a great way to show off your brand and be an authority in your industry field. Let’s say you own a mountain biking brand and you want people to get excited by your products. A series of videos on the best mountain biking trails around featuring your products are going to be a great way to show your brand worth. Content marketing videos can live anywhere you want, including YouTube channels, websites, email circulars and social media.

Explainer Videos

This is the biggest problem solver available for businesses. An explainer video is perfect for giving your target audience lots of information in a simple and clear way. They can take the most complex ideas, systems, products and explain them to the public at large. If your company wants to show how their new app works or show the inner workings of a complicated product then the explainer is the way to go. This type of video has the advantage of shouting about product benefits and giving your customers that final push towards purchase.

Testimonial Videos

What better way to shout about your brand than to let your biggest fans do all the talking. Testimonial videos get their content from people directly connected to the brand, such as customers and staff members. This means you can send out a message right from the heart of your company and talk to people in an honest and authentic way. These types of videos are key in creating a layer of built-in trust for your brand.

Tutorial or How-To Videos

The world of online learning is off the scale and it’s a truly untapped resource for marketing. What would convince a potential customer to give your brand a whirl than the awesome tutorial video they just watched. The potential to create useful content that is instantly shareable and carries the stamp of approval from your target audience is too good to resist. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) value is high, meaning people can find your video and find your brand easier. It’s also a great way to set yourself apart as a leader and a respected authority of the industry.

Event Videos

There is nothing more exciting than planning a big event. If you’re building something that needs a lot of preparation then you’ll be making sure that it all goes off perfectly. Making sure you get the entire process filmed will be an integral part to your plan. These videos can be an amazing way to show off your event and your ability to pull off something on a large scale. They can also be a fantastic way to populate your social media channels with fun content. If you’ve got a big event then you really need to be filming it.

Internal Communications Videos

We all want our teams to work together as one. When everyone is on the same page then the benefits for your business are endless. One great method of communication are internal communications videos, otherwise known as internal video. Here are a few options of internal videos that clients regularly need:

Recruitment videos – These work great to attract the best candidates for openings in your company.

Onboarding videos – When you get a wave of new employees then this type of video will give you a consistent way to greet them to the business.

Training videos – Your company might have a variety of processes and systems that are explained easiest through video content.

Business announcement videos – Give your people the up to date news on the company from new staff members to results in the stock market.
FAQ videos – Save time and energy by creating a video that answers all the tricky questions related to your business.

It’s a super-effective way of controlling your internal messaging and making sure your company is always headed in the right direction.

Product Videos

If you’ve got a product that you want to talk about then there’s no better way than to create a video. There might be features you need to explain or benefits that are easier to display via video content. You can use a presenter to talk about the product, 3D animation to show off how it works inside or show unboxing for a great hands-on visual aid for the customer. Product videos are a great way to help customers make decisions in the digital marketplace.

Work with Epic Light Media

Our work as film and marketing experts means we can create any video that your heart desires. We have built out entire video marketing campaigns for big brands with a suite of video content to fill all their channels as well as filming one-off projects with smaller labels that have big ambitions. Get in contact and let’s make something together.

Common Questions

Why do brands need video content?

This question is asked a lot when businesses are starting out. It might seem like a luxury expense but it’s absolutely essential to have a video marketing plan. Firstly, video is much more engaging than any other type of media. That means it grabs attention and keeps it for longer. Secondly, it increases brand awareness. The video content you create is often the first impression your company shares with customers, so you better make it good. Then there is social media, which is fueled by video content. Every social app now has video front and center because it catches the attention of the scrolling masses and it’s instantly shareable. So the simple answer is, brands need video content more than ever before.

What is video marketing?

Video production and video marketing are often confused. The creative, technical and logistical elements of making a video are all part of the production process. This is essentially the asset creation for the marketing plan. Building a strategy for your video campaign is what video marketing is all about. That is understanding what the needs of a business are to create the right types of video content to promote their brand. This might involve finding a target audience, aligning the brand values with the video messaging and tracking metrics and results for future campaigns. Get in touch to talk about your next big campaign.

What are the benefits of video marketing?

There are a lot of benefits with video marketing. If you want to grow revenue and influence buying decisions then video will boost your sales. People love video content, so give the people what they want and create some rad videos for your brand. You’ll rank higher in search engines, which will increase traffic to your website and help you sell lots more stuff. And you can get valuable backlinks, bump up sales conversions, and reach important decision-makers all with the power of video marketing.